Our Projects

Healthy children make healthy nations. In an era when India is on the verge of reaping benefits of its demographic dividend, one cannot afford to neglect health. Access to safe drinking water is one of the essential things to improving health indicators of any region.

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Research has shown that students who have access to electricity perform significantly better than those who lack energy access. A solar lantern is the easiest, portable and most affordable solution to circumvent the lack of energy access and provide

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Solar PV microgrids are the most cost-effective alternatives for electrifying and providing lighting in remote areas. G.R.I.D. has installed such microgirds for lighting barracks of Indian army in Jammy & Kashmir.

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As India is moving towards changing its energy mix for cleaner and brighter future you too can participate in this paradigmatic shift by installing Solar Water Heater. Heating water requires huge amount of energy and accounts for about 18-20% of your energy bills

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Energy is an enabler on various fronts. Having access to modern form of clean energy is empowering on multiple levels wherein lack of it creates marginalization. For example lack of access to street lighting in a village seriously hampers mobility post-sunset,

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Remote locations are often characterized by multiple restrictions like disperse habitation, lack of energy access, difficult terrain etc. G.R.I.D.’s modular water purifier is designed to overcome these obstacles and provide safe drinking water to such areas using solar energy.

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